Monday, May 4, 2009

The best laid plans...

Wow... it's been quite a semester. As I write I'm sitting on my front porch, enjoying the weather after a spring rain, and catching my breath from the term that just ended. I had genuinely intended to keep up with this blog on a regular basis, discussing things as they happened, but we can see that didn't happen! I have about three weeks until summer term begins (I'm sure there will be posts about this soon... I'm teaching two sections of Photo I in a five-week term!), and I hope during that time to play catch-up with my blogging.

In other news: the summer term will be my last in my current position, which was a one-year, visiting gig. Knowing this, I've been job hunting all year in what turned out to be a lousy market. I'm one of the lucky ones this year, as I'll be moving to accept a tenure-track position in the Midwest. More about that later, I'm sure.

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